Hello, thank you for visiting. My name is Matilda, I am an illustrator.

Welcome to {ready to eat}, here is a blog that I would like to share interesting things within daily life.
Please also visit Matilda's illustration website : matildahuang.moonfruit.com ; thank you!


drawing ink / 2007

After I came to London. I draw quite a lot of picture by Winsor & Newton drawing ink, which is I haven't use it before.

Black and White drawing

I used to use one 0.1 pen and draw a super small and detail drawings, that's absolutely madness.

Stencil Graffiti - Bird

This is the first one I've made in London. you can see the way I cut the stencil has a slightly change. It's quite small though (around A2), cause I couldn't have money to buy a big cardboard.

Drawing - Private Garden

drawing ink / 2007

And so does environment, I suppose that's because I have never been to any west country before.

Emotion - anger

water colour pencil / 2007