Hello, thank you for visiting. My name is Matilda, I am an illustrator.

Welcome to {ready to eat}, here is a blog that I would like to share interesting things within daily life.
Please also visit Matilda's illustration website : matildahuang.moonfruit.com ; thank you!

Bring LOVE to people will make us stronger

自從311日本地震以來,台灣每天都播放著日本災區新聞,全球都很關心這次的天災,由地震引發海嘯、火災及核災,並祈禱災害早點平息。或許新聞已經太多了,但還是想寫一下,由台灣各家電視台合辦十七號《送愛到日本311賑災募款晚會》與十八號 《相信希望fight&smile 賑災募款晚會 》

Since 311 Japan earthquake, stunami, fire and nuclear radiation alert. This is shocking news all over the world, everyone hope Japanese can recover from the damage sooner, and hope there won’t be any natural disaster on earth...



In Taiwan, the two days event ‘ Send love to Japan, 311 disaster relief fundraiser event ‘ is on most of channels from 17 to 18 March. This event is hold by lots of TV companies in Taiwan. Our president gave us a speech before the event, which I personally feel very touching…

“ We would like to let people in the world to know Taiwan. Taiwan is a country that full of love, is a country that willing to help others, let’s send our love to Japan and help our friends.”


Taiwan is a small country geographically; we are not part of United Nations; we can finally travel to European without Schengen visa this year; sometime when I tell people that I am from Taiwan, they confused it with Thailand…(yeah, it happened really!) But we do have lovely people who helping friends from different countries; we do have a president who answering phone calls for donation during the event. 


Taiwan might be a small country geographically indeed, but Taiwanese have a big love. Matilda feels very proud to be a Taiwanese.

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