Hello, thank you for visiting. My name is Matilda, I am an illustrator.

Welcome to {ready to eat}, here is a blog that I would like to share interesting things within daily life.
Please also visit Matilda's illustration website : matildahuang.moonfruit.com ; thank you!

Own a colour, save a life!

Own a colour, save a life! Please join the charity even organized by UNICEF and DULEX. Look at my colour - Matilda (will be the trend of next 10 years!)  hahaha :D

歡迎大家加入英國油漆DULEX與聯合國兒童基金會推出的活動,可以為自己喜愛的顏色命名,並捐款協助有需要的兒童喔! 我的顏色看起來不賴吧!(應該會是接下來十年的時尚色,哈哈)

We want to name 16.7 million colours for at least £1 to raise money for the children's charity UNICEF.

I/Felt/Fantastic part 2

practice no.4  rabbit ice cream (?)

I really like this one, the rabbit looks so annoying! haha

and I am getting quite okay with the way to make needle felting now.    :D

Crazy Painting Lab- we do painting workshop, only the crazy one.

Is it lucky or not to have a crazy aunt? My nephew and niece and I had a peaceful day(?) in Matilda's Crazy Painting Lab.


我覺得... 大白柚的箱子是整個場景裡最不搭的東西,它太搶戲。


practice number 2

practice number 3
it is a sheep... but it has so many comments as different creatures so far...  /_\

it is a sheep... a head of a sheep...


Today is a good day in Chinese calendar, good day for getting a marriage or publishing Matilda's new illustration website!
Come and check it out!
Thanks and have a GOOD DAY :D

今天在中國年曆是個好日子,是結婚的好日子,也是公佈Matilda新網站的好日子,歡迎大家來參觀,看在今天我二度差點被鞭炮丟中的份兒上,來網站案個讚咩~   謝謝   :D

Needle felting is so fun!

Recently, I am obsessing in needle felting, this is the first object that I made - a duck with big head.
(okay, actually the material package is for making hair bow, and I did try to make a bow at the beginning...)


The process of making it is let me feel like I was creating a sculpture, it is not very difficult but need a lot of patience and practices, the second practice is on its way  :D
My sister asked me if I am going to change my career?  urrr.. well... I am still an illustrator... okay, an illustrator who love to make objects from 2D to 3D, does it make sense?